Friday, March 20, 2015

The Bald Truth- Real Grace Reflection #11

A devotion I read recently referenced the verse about the hairs on our head being numbered by God. It struck me, as I reflected on LOMT's 2015 theme REAL GRACE, that if God numbers our every hair, we would consequently benefit from having more hair.  Follow me here, the more hair a person has, by default, the more attention it will require to number all of that hair.  More hair equals more attention...  Rogaine, anyone?

The Bald Truth about Real Grace

I realize I need more hair
From my head to my toe
And everywhere between--
In places where it doesn’t show

I plan to wake the follicles
As often as I can
I will not shy away from those who say,
“You’re such a hairy man”

For hair increase means I’ll be known
By Jesus even more
And that math equals greater love
Than my hair felt before

I feel bad for the bald folks
Whose poor noggins hold no strand
I pray they overcome their lack
May their pates feel His hand

It’s true, I envy Big Foot and Chewbacca makes me green
That hair! It gets attention.  I think you know what I mean

So, I’ll do what I can to keep my hair both full and fat
And, yes, consider Rogaine if it ever comes to that.

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