Sunday, September 11, 2016

Skeeters Play-off Status to be Determined in Season's Final Week

The Skeeters close out their 2016 regular season with a seven-game homestand that will determine whether or not the team makes the post-sesason.  Beginning Monday in Sugar Land, the club will host Long Island for three games and Southern Maryland for four.

Entering the season's final week, the Skeeters trail York by 1/2 game in the race for the Freedom Division's second half title.  If Sugar Land can't beat out York for the second half crown, they will need to hold off New Britain for a wild card spot in order to qualify for the post-season.  New Britain currently trails the Skeeters by one game in the wild card race.

York finishes their season with three games at Lancaster and four games vs. Long Island.

New Britain wraps the regular season with three games at Southern Maryland and four games vs. Somerset.

NOTE: There is the slightest chance that the Skeeters would have to beat out Somerset for the wild card. If that becomes a stronger possibility, I will post more.

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