Monday, February 9, 2015

Never Seen Again- Real Grace Reflection #8

Here is a short reflection on LOMT's 2015 theme, REAL GRACE.

Never Seen Again

Never to be seen again
Transported far away
Deleted, gone  beyond all space
Until eternity

Far past the east and west
Out where, the satellites lose track

He takes our sins and loses them
And they aren't coming back.


  1. Hey Mike,

    I was shocked that I got an actually piece of snail mail that wasn't a bill or something.

    So "Real Grace" was that your idea? Or are you just Reflecting on it? My experiences lately have been on how life long Christians know so little about God's Word, or the meaning of grace. People nod their head yes like they understand grace...and then go right on doing like some how it will save them more.

  2. Hey Mike,

    I was shocked that I got an actually piece of snail mail that wasn't a bill or something.

    So "Real Grace" was that your idea? Or are you just Reflecting on it? My experiences lately have been on how life long Christians know so little about God's Word, or the meaning of grace. People nod their head yes like they understand grace...and then go right on doing like some how it will save them more.

  3. Jim, I'm just seeing this comment. Sorry for the delay. Real Grace came from somebody with LOMT, not me. I'm just reflecting.
